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Bristol Freedivers
Waiting List
All places of the Bristol Blue 2025 have been filled so we are now operating a waiting list on a first come first served basis. In previous years the majority of athletes who joined the waiting list were offered a place so it is worth signing up and keeping up your training.
To add your details to the waiting list please fill in all the info in the form below but do not pay your entry fee. If a place becomes available we will be in touch to confirm and ask for payment at the time. If you have any questions please email
If this is your first competition, please read the FAQ page for more information on APs and what to put. APs are not the time/distance you expect to do on the day.
Additional Information
If a place becomes available and you are able to complete you will also need to:
Be a member of a National Freediving Association such as the BFA
Have an active account with AIDA
Ensure your 'Membership' setting in your AIDA profile is set the same as your nationality
Ensure you have insurance you deem sufficient to cover your participation in the competition
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